How do you know you are British? When the weather is never good enough and you are always complaining… 27 degrees though…? seriously!?

Here in the UK, it is very rarely good weather. In fact it’s wet and miserable most of the year. This week has been so hot, and for us asthmatics it’s NOT a good weather. The air has been thick and humid, and i can only describe it as trying to breathe in concrete with a pillow over your face.

So many of us are dropping like flies and ending up in hospital, and to be honest I feel like i’m next in line to be popping in for a visit at hotel NHS. Ive been struggling since i’ve been out, i havent been right and to be honest i’ve had a chest infection. Then when this weather hit the UK on top of all of that, it’s like i basically have no hope…

I’m doing all i can to rest, sit inside, having a fan on me.. plenty of nebulisers but i feel like there isn’t much improvement and to be honest i know that i need to be in hospital but i’m hanging out as long as i can hoping for a miracle. I’ve got everything ready and to be honest i’m likely to be in by the weekend.

I’m rotating between sunbathing and chilling inside with a neb…. determined to get a tan whilst i’m not able to do much!! make the most of this sun!

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Definately struggling in this weather.. my lungs arent all that happy at all.





Admission number 7 this year.

5th July i turned up at the hospital first thing in the morning ready for my cateract operation. It was due to be done with general anesthetic, and they kept telling me over and over ‘yes we know about your asthma’ and shrugging me off.


I never had a proper pre op assessment for this surgery with general anesthetic. They didn’t take much time to ask about my history and even though i said i was just finishing antibiotics for a chest infection nobody listened to my chest. Nobody made any propper plan for after care or when to call doctors. Instead i ended up with incompetent doctors and 6-8 hours later ending up in ITU because of it.


Me before the operation with my pen to not forget which eye they are doing… plus my lovely eye drops to make my pupils huge!



2 Days later – ITU and just come off  my lovely NIV machine…




Lucky i have teddy!


He helps Hold my arterial line…



He gives great cuddles.




My NIV machine – purple tubing! must have known it’s my fav colour!


I need me some trollies like this at home – they always soothe my OCD haha!


All the equipment in my little room



How many pumps is too many?


Spot my pink medical folder…

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Some of the many lines in me…


My lovely blow up boots that massage my legs!



My entertainment – tab, music and my fortijuice


When you take the plaits out your hair after days in!



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The bruises….



After all this, i’m now home. Resting in my own bed. I’m not 100% with my eyes as there is a lot of inflammation now. However, i can see so much better already. I just need the other eye done and then some reading glasses!