Then it gets worse

After already having one bad turn in hospital, I finally get our to the ward and then I start to feel unwell, my sats slowly start getting lower and lower oxygen levels… So more and more nurses and doctors start poking and prodding me. I don’t feel too bad which is odd for me, but eventually after the doctors come they decide to take me to intensive care.. I start to pack my things and then the intensive care consultant says I can stay on the ward on high flow nasal Canula. I slowly start to stabalise and level out and the next morning Dr much better..probably because the nasal Canula is helping me breathe so much with the extra pressure..

So with much much needed physio to help open my lungs and airways my oxygen is able to be lowered gradually..





I may have felt a bit rough here and there but mostly the oxygen was helping me feel so much better.


I didn’t enjoy the blood gasses though…even had them in the groin again.


Next morning when I was feeling much better the library people came round and so when I saw this book I couldn’t not read it.. so appropriate!


My high flow machine which is heaven right now



After a few days of physio and reducing my oxygen I then start to feel really short of breath and tight again.. I wasn’t too bothered as generally I didn’t feel too bad.


However when I started scoring really high with my observations and my oxygen levels were dropping the nurses started to get concerned and called a doctor. Before I knew it I was on 90% oxygen high flow and 88 sats and still struggling to breathe. When I realised I’m on the maximum oxygen available I realised maybe the safest place for me was to go back to intensive care /high dependency.

Once on intensive care they did a CT scan to check for any blood clots but it just showed collapsed bases of my lungs and fluid build up. So I was put on more physio to help expand my lungs with this machine…and then water tablets to flush it out my lungs. Which in all fairnes within a couple days I was sooooo much better.. well enough to be discharged back to the ward and get to the respiratory ward !

That’s it for now…



Made heart shape tape hehe


My lovely girlfriends t-shirt that I can snuggle


My midline bruise



Me finally leaving ITU for second time

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